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During this program we will also be promoting a Bible Conference in New Jersey this summer where Rev.Grossi will be featured speaking on this same topic. Renowned Bible scholar, apologist, debater and author Dr. James R. White, co-founder of Alpha & Omega Ministries is also a featured speaker among others to be announced. This event is the "Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals (ACE) Northern New Jersey Sovereignty of God Conference" to be held June 22-24, 2009 at Bread of Life Fellowship Church in Haledon, NJ. For details call Dr. Joe LoSardo at 1-866-38-BREAD (1-866-382-7323) or visit
Our guest Gabriel Grossi was born and raised in Italy as a Roman Catholic. After coming to the United States in 1958, Mr. Grossi was converted to Christ in 1969. He attended Reformed Episcopal Seminary in Philadelphia, PA from 1970-1973. He has been actively engaged in lay-preaching since 1979. He was privileged to be intimately involved in a church planting work in Mid-town Manhattan in New York. He has also served in the pastorate for two years. Mr. Grossi is married with two adult sons.
Mr. Grossi is offering his book “Preaching the Gospel Message” for only $8/copy+Shipping. For those who cannot afford to pay he will send the book to them free of charge. The spiral paperback book has 233 pages with 360 footnotes. His other book, Preaching with Biblical Passion is on sale for $10 plus shipping & handling.You can contact him at (973)299-1579 or send him an email at this broadcast is Pastor Jim Capo of the Massapequa Church of God on Long Island, NY.
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